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Jun 20, 202210 min read
Stop wasting your money on clothes
5 Ways to Build a Smart Wardrobe That You Actually Love and Wear. It is estimated that the average woman (with a life expectancy of 80...
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Jun 6, 202211 min read
7 Reasons You're Frustrated by Shopping
Many women tell me they hate shopping. And by hate, I mean loathe. Everything about it causes stress and anxiety and frustration. Feeling...
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Oct 26, 20213 min read
The Devil is in the Details
As a Personal Stylist, I can't unsee fashion faux pas. It's a blessing, and a curse really. A blessing, because it helps my clients...
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Jul 20, 20216 min read
You've moved on, but your closet hasn't.
Three no-cost ways to create a closet that works for your new life. I stumbled upon this quote recently from C. S. Lewis: Isn't it funny...
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