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Oct 5, 20216 min read
It's not magic. It's styling.
A few weeks ago, our family watched the newest rendition of Cinderella out now on Amazon Prime. The cast was amazing, with Camila...
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Sep 21, 20216 min read
Embrace the Season You're In.
How to infuse joy into your life now. This past weekend I had a follower of mine on Instagram reach out to say thank you. Thank you for a...
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Sep 14, 20218 min read
Intentional Shopping: Is there such a thing?
The words intentional and shopping are not often used in the same sentence. This is the absolute last thing retailers want: to be...
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Aug 17, 20217 min read
A Closet Detox Saves You More than Just Space
Three little known benefits of a closet clean-out My kids started school today. There's something about this time of year that makes me...
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Aug 10, 20217 min read
Stop being a rule follower
One of my first real marketing jobs was an internship at a law firm in the Midwestern city where I was attending college. I was so...
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Jul 20, 20216 min read
You've moved on, but your closet hasn't.
Three no-cost ways to create a closet that works for your new life. I stumbled upon this quote recently from C. S. Lewis: Isn't it funny...
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Jul 13, 20217 min read
When the jeans don't fit... Choosing abundance over scarcity.
This morning, I went into my closet to get dressed. I had already decided I wanted to wear a summery tank I love with my favorite...
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Jun 29, 20213 min read
7 Tips for Nailing White Outfits this Summer
There's nothing more iconic than white when it comes to Summer style. The crisp, pure, clean look just feels so right on a warm summer...
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Jun 8, 20215 min read
Style: The confidence boost you didn't know you needed.
I have a 10-year old daughter. She is definitely NOT into fashion. And by fashion, I mean, anything frilly or girly, dresses, cute tops,...
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May 25, 20219 min read
What conquering my fear of heights taught me about life after a pandemic
Last weekend, I surprised my husband with a 3-hour adventure to celebrate our 14th anniversary that included zip lines and challenging...
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May 18, 20217 min read
Summer 2021 Trends: To Wear or Not to Wear
To wear or not wear trends... That is the question. To pay no attention to trends. Or to chase them relentlessly. Or somewhere in...
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Apr 25, 20215 min read
How I've redefined my style in a post-pandemic world.
I've always been a shoe lover. I hate to even admit that I own easily 75 pairs of shoes, which are heaped on top of each other in my tiny...
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Mar 22, 20213 min read
5 Easy Ways to Infuse Spring into Your Outfits now
Hallelujah! Spring is finally here! This is one of my favorite times of the year because I feel like I get to hit the reset button. Not...
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Mar 2, 20217 min read
5 Things to Do to Prepare Your Closet for Spring
It's this time of year that I get a bad case of Spring Fever. Here in Omaha, the weather doesn't really change for a couple more months,...
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Feb 15, 20216 min read
Why you feel stuck in your style
If we're honest, we all have a vision for how we want to look. If you've ever pinned over a celebrity or icon's look, or created a "dream cl
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Feb 10, 20218 min read
3 Ways Style Propels You Forward (or Backward)
This week I'm participating in a workshop all about the habits of high-performing, high-earning women. When you read articles or Google...
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Jan 26, 20217 min read
Do I have a personal style?
You do! Here's how to find it. It's common for my clients to tell me they feel like they don't have a style, or have trouble naming it....
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Jan 11, 20216 min read
What to keep & What to toss in a closet detox
I'm a big believer in the mantra: clean space, clear mind. I always feel lighter and freer when I know where things are, and everything...
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Jan 4, 20215 min read
How to dress the body you have now, even if haven't met your goal weight.
It's week one of a brand new year and we are all eager as ever to put our new goals into action. For many of us ladies, I know that...
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Dec 16, 20204 min read
Comfy + Chic: How to wear joggers for the holidays
We are almost to the end of this crazy year, and given all that happened, I plan to end it with a bang. Of course, in the form of my...
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